“Give me an H” – it will change your future!
June 13,2007
I am pretty sure that all who are reading this have heard cheerleaders use the first part of my selected title – “Give me an * ”. At times these words were shouted when their team was in the lead and at other times as they were pressing forward to gain the advantage, which they had either lost or had not yet achieved. I felt compelled to write this essay to help cheerlead you on to your own personal victory. Whether you are “in the lead” or “pressing forward”, you can apply this concept, because your personal victory begins, and ends, by heeding the call - “Give me an H”. Let me elaborate on the difference a tiny “H” can make!
Once I awoke this morning I started reading through the dictionary (Really! You ought to try it sometime!), and came across an interesting term that I had not heard of before. I noticed a striking visual similarity to another term that I am quite familiar with, but as I looked at the definitions for each I saw that they are actually diametrically opposed in meaning.
Fait accompli– an accomplished, presumably irreversible deed or fact (Fait).
Faith– belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
There was a very popular 60’s television police drama that became synonymous with the catch phrase – “just the facts, ma’am”. Now, looking at just the facts may bode well for police investigations, but in the real-life drama of living, looking at just the facts is a very debilitating and extremely limiting experience. Facts are facts, until faith enters the scene!
Fait would have us believe that our circumstances control who we are and will ever be.
Faith allows us to rise above our circumstances and become someone better and stronger!
Fait would have us believe that we deserve no love, no mercy, no grace and no forgiveness.
Faith allows us to boldly approach the throne of God, and receive of His salvation freely!
Fait would have us believe that our station in life is established and unchangeable.
Faith allows us to muster the courage to take control over our life and to shape our future!
Fait would have us believe that we have to see the path before we can take the step.
Faith allows us to step out on an invisible and intangible rock, which is Christ the Lord!
Fait would have us believe that we don’t have the strength to make it through another day.
Faith allows us the promise “who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able!
Fait would have us believe that we can’t overcome our past and our future is hopeless.
Faith allows us to see that the past does not need equal the future – it can be changed!
Fait would have us believe that we cannot do what we feel God is leading us to do.
Faith allows us to realize that “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me”!
Fait would have us believe that our physical ailments are beyond hope and incurable.
Faith allows us to believe that “By His stripes we are healed”, and that’s immutable!
Fait would have us believe that the mountains in our life are formidable and unmovable.
Faith allows us to say unto this mountain – “Remove hence to yonder place”, and it shall!
Fait would have us believe that we’ll build the ballpark after everybody shows up to play.
Faith allows us to build the field while expecting mystical players to appear from the corn!
I feel I could continue on with example, after example of “Fait vs. Faith” comparisons, but I believe that they can all be summed up in the following simple and concise statement:
Faith can turn Fait into Fiction!
Through faith Joseph, though sold into slavery, became a vessel of salvation to his people!
Through faith Job persevered to a state of multiplied greatness, having lost all but his life!
Through faith Christ changed the world profoundly, because of belief in the Father’s plan!
Through faith Peter walked on the stormy waters, as long as his eyes were stayed on Jesus!
Have you been sold into slavery?
Have you lost all but your life?
Have you been required to die for the faults of others?
Have you been summoned to literally walk across the stormy waters?
Some of the most unlikely persons, enduring some of the most unlikely situations and confronted with some of the most unlikely circumstances would not be prevented from obtaining their own personal victory. These are just four examples out of many thousands.
“Give me an H” – and you can be counted with the FAITHful that turned Fait into fiction!
If this has been a blessing I would appreciate your feedback via one of the methods below.
John A. Lemire | 50 E. Glen Dr. | Alexandria AL 36250
256-310-3398 cell, 256-820-7075 hm