I appreciate your support for this endeavor.
Click the picture below for a flash movie of the "When It Was We" poem.
God be praised for what will be accomplished through this website, His gifts and your gifts.
From the moment I was informed in late April that my position was eliminated at work, I have had a sense of peace and assurance that things were working to His will. A sense of confidence that goes beyond natural understanding. Yet, while seeking His direction over the past several months, not one means of producing income that "I" have attempted to open has succeeded. Either the door was locked, closed before me or just hasn't been prosperous. My spirit still feels confident that God is changing the direction for my future and that He is working out the plan according to His method, and His timing, but I must say though, that my natural being is "at odds" with this confidence. I'll not go into detail as to the reasons I feel circumstances are "conspiring" against my attempts at securing gainful income, but suffice it to say, there have been some incredible "coincidences" recently. My family and I are truly at the point of "walking by faith" in regards to supplying life's necessities. We went through a similar situation when my position was eliminated back in August of 2003, but God's sustaining hand brought us through mightily. It was not a "pretty picture", for sure, in some areas, but the ways He worked in our lives was a testimony we'll be able to share from now on. He was always there when we absolutely needed Him to be there. At the appropriate time He provided another Job, then a different one when the timing was right for His will to be done. Now, I am in the same situation again, but this time I feel it is different. I feel a "bigger purpose" for using the talents He has given me. A deep passion to expose others to the message they contain.
Up to this point I have tried to "go it alone". I have been counting exclusively on the talents, abilities and resources He has blessed me with personally, but I am feeling impressed that this is not the way He would have me do it from here on out. I have been resistant to this change and actually feel quite awkward to even write this exposition, but I feel I must, if I am to accomplish His will in my life. Typically, "my way" is to try and work things out as I see best, constantly asking for His will to be done in any particular situation, and accepting it as His will when opportunities present themselves, that I can feel at peace with. Since I have had so many "closed door" experiences recently, I feel I must conclude that "my way" is not "His way", this time. I feel He is leading me to ask those that feel so impressed, to gift into this endeavor, so I can concentrate on doing what I feel He wants me to do. This is a step of faith for me, like none other I have ever experienced before. It is uncomfortable, awkward and atypical with what I am accustomed to doing. I have even recently had a conversation with my pastor regarding how difficult it is for most of us to freely receive the blessings from others. Think about it, if someone gives you a compliment, isn't it natural to give one back? Don't you feel uncomfortable when you receive a gift at Christmas without having been prepared to return the gesture? I know I feel somewhat "in debt" if I can't give something of value back to that person, maybe that stems from the fact that I consistently hear "Tis better to give than to receive"? But can you truly give to others if they will not receive it freely? Pure receiving causes us to be "out-of-control" - at someone else's "mercy". I mean, Christ gave the gift of salvation for all people, but some just will not receive it, and, therefore, neither party benefits from the gift. As a person gifts to this endeavor it will be accepted freely, allowing the giver to be blessed, and, ultimately, the Kingdom to be blessed! I still continue to explore opportunities to secure gainful income, but it looks like it will take a while to build any of these to a level capable of sustaining my family and furthering/growing this endeavor as I envision it.
Now, what you see in this website, and this initial "When It Was We" presentation, is a basic and rudimentary start to what I feel will grow to be a very expansive and much improved endeavor. There are substantial limitations with what I have to work with at this present time, and as the available resources and talents improve, so will the quality and effectiveness of the presence and presentation. Many ideas have come my way lately, via emails, motivational quotes, sermons and the like, that have stated that we must take action and have faith, even if we don't have things as finalized as we would like them to be. That we must go forward and make corrections along the way, but we must start first or we'll never get to the destination. That is where I am at right now! Taking action on what I feel God would have me do, even though things are not nearly as perfected as I would like them to be.
The "When It Was We" poem is very special to me as it embodies the "ideal" marriage as God designed it - one man/one woman/for life. I feel the more we are exposed to this concept, the more likely we are to have this type marriage become more prevalent in our society/world. This is a big concept to grasp, but it has to start somewhere, doesn't it? I feel that the "When It Was We" poem has great potential to be adapted to a book/movie, and I already have a basic concept for the movie outline. I envision many different offerings for the future, and I currently have the ability to produce prints suitable for framing of the various works, to date. I envision PC screensavers, DVD/gift books, bookmarks and other "personal" type items. I see the "Dictionary Disciple" series being a blessing as He inspires me to continue writing in this venue. I am at the very beginning of the process for this whole endeavor, but I feel God's hand is upon it, and He will bless it. To what extent?, I don't yet know - but He does!