Helpful hints to make life easier
Below you will find helpful hints, tips, tricks and advice that will allow you to save time, money, effort and frustration. This list will continually be expanded and can be an excellent source of beneficial content to make life easier. If you have any ideas that you feel would be helpful for others to know about, you are welcome to submit them for possible inclusion here. Click below to submit a tip:
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Method for tying shoelaces that STAY tied!!
Possible way to cure a leaking tub faucet.
My method for getting better quality/leaner ground beef!
Method for tying shoelaces that STAY tied!!
This technique works better than a double knot and is easier to remove, when done correctly. These directions are written for a "right-handed" person, alter them as needed for your particular situation. After you form the first loop and are wrapping the lace around the base of this loop, which will form the "knot" you will pull the second loop through, you typically only go around once. This method requires that you make a second rotation around the base of the first loop, before you pull the second loop through. So, here are the step-by-step directions from start to finish. You make the initial crossover with the left/right lace ends and you form the first loop with your left/right hands which results in you holding the base of the loop with your left hand. As you use your right hand to wrap the right lace end around the base of the first loop, make a second wrap around before you pull the lace through to form the second loop. You will need to make the wraps a slight bit looser than normal to accomodate the extra width of the two wraps when pulling the second loop through this point. I have had some very aggravating shoelaces in my life that just would NOT stay tied, UNTIL I learned about this technique! I will not state that this technique works 100% of the time, but it has been the most effective for me, personally. I will plan to add some visual aide, as I have the opportunity, but it is not a priority at the moment.
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Possible way to cure a leaking tub faucet.
I have been in more than one house where the tub faucet leaked when diverted to the shower position, even after replacing the diverter components. What I found was that the main casting was worn to the point that the diverter could not make an adequate seal. The cure was to install a tub spout with a built-in diverter. When taking a shower you use the spout diverter instead of the faucet diverter and it leaks no more. I have done this on all three of the tub faucets in our present house and now we take leak-free showers. Good for Earth's resources, and good for the bank account.
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My method for getting better quality/leaner ground beef!
When it comes time to get more ground beef I will typically look for a steak or roast that is on sale, at a comparable price, and have them grind it for me. This way I know exactly what meat was ground, and can therefore better control the quality/lean factor of the ground beef. I have actually been able to get ground round/sirloin for less than the cost of regular ground beef, and KNOW that what I got was as good-as-it-gets!
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