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We can all use some help navigating the Money Maze from time to time. We have included a compilation of useful pointers to help get you to your destination.

I work with a company that helps people evaluate their current financial situation, compare that to where they desire to be and helps formulate a fully customized gameplan based on their unique circumstances. We have the products and resources to bring the gamplan to fruition. Use the link below to request more information, or arrange for an appointment to evaluate your particular situation/needs.



Being on the positive side of compound interest is crucial!
What you need to know about credit/credit cards!

Being on the positive side of compound interest is crucial!

Albert Einstein is quoted as saying "Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe." When I consider the credibility of something this man has to say, I accept it without reservation. The financially successful person understands this concept and strives to stay on the positive side of this force.

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What you need to know about credit/credit cards!

It is appalling to me how credit card companies seem to have no scruples regarding who they target with their unmerciful tactics. College students have enough challenges facing them without being seduced with "easy" money. I was watching the news earlier this evening and they stated that the average for college seniors is to have $3000 in credit card debt spread out over 3-4 cards. Add to that the already staggering costs of student loans, and you have a rough life starting to unfold. I am including the address to a site that will help explain why credit is cancerous to your financial health. I am fighting my own bout with credit cancer and I sure wish I had the understanding ten years ago that I do now! As in the natural body - cancer is difficult to beat once it gets entrenched. Visit www.thetruthaboutcredit.org to get the hard hitting facts. I can't make this address an active link so you will need to either copy/paste or just type it yourself.

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